We can fix racial segregation on the Peninsula

The Bay Area is more racially segregated today than it was in 1970. Among the many destructive problems with residential segregation, one is that it helps governments create major imbalances in where they invest resources.


If you share One San Mateo’s views about some of the issues on the ballot this election, then here are some great ways you can get involved to make a difference before election day. Locally For Amourence Lee for San Mateo City Council: https://www.amourencelee.com/get-involved For Chelsea Bonini for San Mateo County Board of Education: https://www.chelseabonini.com/volunteerContinue reading Get Out the Vote! [ACTION OPPORTUNITIES]

One San Mateo’s 2020 Endorsements

In keeping with One San Mateo’s focus on advancing just, equitable, and across-the-board housing solutions, One San Mateo recommends the following choices on this election’s ballot.  Candidates Amourence Lee for San Mateo City Council When Maureen Freschet opted to retire early in 2019, a process ensued to appoint her replacement. At that time, One San … Continue reading One San Mateo’s 2020 Endorsements